We covered a range of topics over the past several weeks. If you missed some (or all) of them see the summaries below, and click to learn more.
Passwords: How to Make the Best of a Bad Situation
Love ’em or hate ’em, passwords are a part of digital life. Learn how these 5 simple rules can reduce your chance of compromise.
How to Avoid the Ransomware Terror
The Dastardly evil-doer has taken your system hostage. Do you pay the ransom, or lose your files forever? Learn about a third option in our ransomware article.
How to Protect Against Phishing Attacks
Phishing leads to some of the most devastating cybersecurity attacks. We show why the usual security training fails, and 3 must-haves in a security awareness training platform.
3 Steps to Professional Vulnerability Management
Frank talks about patching and vulnerability management, and how CIOs can sleep a bit easier at night.
To Freeze Or Not To Freeze… That Is The Question
Jeremy discusses how to lessen your chance of identity theft, and why he doesn’t like credit monitoring services. He also shares tips for managing the process.
Put It In the Cloud. It’s Safer There.
Steve makes the case that cloud solutions are now more secure than traditional infrastructure approaches. But there is a big caveat. Read the article to learn more.
The State of IoT
Jeremy discusses public perception of IoT and recent cloud services that are enabling better capabilities. He also explains where it hasn’t advanced as much.
SIEM Overview
Scott talks SIEM: what it is, why it’s beneficial and some examples of how he sees it used. He also explains what you need to get the most from a SIEM solution.
Why You Need a Vulnerability Assessment
Scott gives a quick overview of security assessments, and outlines 3 reasons why they are so important.
Happy Cyber Security Awareness Month!
The learning doesn’t have to end here though. Follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter where we share interesting cybersecurity topics on a more frequent basis.
– John Schleh and the Alpine Cyber Team