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Alpine Cyber Blog

The State of IoT

By Cybersecurity, Internet of Things
This is the seventh article in our 10-part series for National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Look for new cybersecurity topics explained by Alpine Cyber experts every Tuesday and Thursday in October.  Revisiting the Topic Nearly 4 years ago I wrote a primer and deeper dive into the Internet of Things (IoT) explaining what it was and the security aspects you should consider when leveraging this class of technology. So how have things evolved in that time? What is still relevant and have things gotten better or worse? Well here's an update... Consumer Exposure For one, you don't really hear the term…
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To Freeze Or Not To Freeze… That Is The Question

By Cybersecurity
This is the fifth article in our 10-part series for National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Look for new cybersecurity topics explained by Alpine Cyber experts every Tuesday and Thursday in October.  The Big Breach The flood of data breaches in recent years makes poor data security seem like the norm. We seem a little desensitized whenever XYZ social media service falls victim to a data breach. But there was one breach that caught the public's attention in a major way. We're talking the big one...the Equifax breach. Would you believe it's been over 2 years since they announced that publicly? People…
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How to Protect Against Phishing Attacks

By Cybersecurity
This is the third article in our 10-part series for National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Look for new cybersecurity topics explained by Alpine Cyber experts every Tuesday and Thursday in October.  About Your Recent Amazon Order Did you order something from Amazon lately? If so, the following email would look right at home in your inbox:   The savviest user can look at this and know that it belongs in the trash can. It doesn't show anything about the order items, the email is from a phony domain ( and most importantly when you hover over the link you'll see it's…
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How to Avoid the Ransomware Terror

By Cybersecurity
This is the second article in our 10-part series for National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Look for new cybersecurity topics explained by Alpine Cyber experts every Tuesday and Thursday in October. Behold the Villain – Now in Digital Form "We have your family. We want $2,000,000 in unmarked $2 bills; in a tan duffel bag; in the Logan Square Fountain by 9:00 PM...or you'll never see them again." We've all seen this movie.  Dastardly evil-doer holds something precious over our dashing hero’s head demanding ungodly sums of money for its release. Sadly, this is no longer limited to Hollywood schlock suspense…
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National Cybersecurity Awareness Month – Week 3

By Cybersecurity
“Share… but be aware.” National Cybersecurity Awareness Month continues into it’s third week theme of “Today’s Predictions for Tomorrow’s Internet.” Years ago it would have been tough for people to imagine the massive amount of computing power and access to nearly unlimited information that we would have in the palm of our hands.  We live in a world where if you want to listen to a song, you can literally just call it out and it starts playing.  Mobile phones, digital assistants and the connected devices lumped into the “Internet of Things” category can make life convenient, but at what…
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