As a small to medium-sized business (SMB), it's essential to prioritize patching in your cybersecurity strategy. Patches are software updates that fix security vulnerabilities. Without a robust patching process, your organization is at risk of falling victim to cyber attacks. But why is patching so important? The answer lies in the ever-evolving threat landscape. Hackers are constantly seeking new ways to exploit vulnerabilities, and if you don't keep up with patches, you're leaving yourself open to attack. So, How Do You Prioritize Patches in your Organization? The key is to consider three critical factors when prioritizing patches: Criticality: How severe…
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As a small to medium-sized business (SMB), you're likely no stranger to the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity threats. But despite your best efforts, vulnerabilities in your installed software packages and in your application configurations can leave you exposed to devastating attacks like ransomware, hacks, and data loss. The truth is, without effective vulnerability management, even the smallest mistake can have catastrophic consequences. That's why it's essential for SMBs to prioritize this critical aspect of IT security. The Biggest Vulnerability Concerns So, where do most vulnerabilities lie? For SMBs, some of the biggest risks are: Server Vulnerabilities Some SMBs don't ever…
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